Beauty Fitness and Dermatology

Onychomycosis - Causes, Picture, Symptoms and Treatment of Onychomycosis

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the finger or toe nails which is very difficult to cure. Onychomycosis is caused by a fungus.

Causes of Onychomycosis

Onychomycosis is caused by a fungus. Often a person has had athlete's foot for a long time prior to the development of onychomycosis.

Symptoms of Onychomycosis

The color of nails changes - nails turn yellow, brown, sometimes little white spots appear. Sometimes a bad smell appears as a result of decay of fragments. Nails may become oversensitive (too sensitive to pain).

Types of Onychomycosis

There are 3 different types of onychomycosis, which have very different anatomy. In distal subungual onychomycosis (DSO) , the organism invades the distal portion of the nail bed and moves proximally. In proximal subungual onychomycosis (PSO) , infection begins at the proximal nail fold with infection of the nail matrix. In white superficial onychomycosis (WSO), the fungus actually invades the dorsal surface of the nail plate.

Treatment of Onychomycosis

If you do not want to try to cure the condition you can control onychomycosis and improve the appearance of the nails by brushing on FDA approved undecylenic acid. Onychomycosis is difficult to treat because nails grow slowly and receive very little blood supply. However, there have been recent advances in treatment options, including oral and topical medications. Oral antifungal medications usually are administered over a 3 month period.

Precautions for Onychomycosis

If a member of your family is infected by a yeast disease, never use his slippers, towels and socks. It is important to observe cleanliness in your place, especially in the bathroom, through usage of disinfectants.

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