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Aloe Vera oil

Aloe vera is said to encourage skin rejuvenation, healing of wounds and treatment of sunburn. It is also used to help in relieving arthritis pain, improving blood circulation, reducing scarring, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera oil is a natural moisturizer, healer and is an extremely gentle and soothing oil. It is an anti-inflamatory that calms irritated skin. It stimulates cell growth in the skin and helps prevent premature skin aging. Aloe Vera oil is produced by macerating aloe vera leaves in soybean oil

Aloe vera oil should use in lip balms, creams, lotions, body butters, hair oil treatments and other skin care formulations.

Aloe vera oil massage

Aloe vera massage oil has great healing qualities which makes it a good choice to use on its own, or to include when mixing a massage oil or preparing a carrier oil blend for aromatherapy massage.

Using aloe vera oil in cosmetic products

Various cosmetic products contain aloe vera oil without worrying about the bacterial and mold growth that can occur when using the pure gel. Use aloe vera oil at 5-10% in most formulations.

Aloe vera oil for skin care

Aloe vera oil is also used for the child and it should apply to help seal in moisture. For elder it should apply while skin is still damp from shower or bath for superior moisturizing and to help skin stay soft and smooth.

Relieve Constipation with Aloe Vera oil

To use this plant to relieve constipation, all you really need is the bitter-tasting yellow juice that can oozed out from the inside of the aloe leaves. For the relief of constipation, this juice is usually dried. Spread the juice out on a piece of waxed paper or similar surface, and allow it to dry into a dried substance. Scrape this substance off; it will come off the paper as a powder. This powder can then be sprinkled in a cup of tea or water (though something with flavor that will help mask the taste is best).


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Aloe Vera juice
Aloe Vera plant
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Aloe Vera benefit
Aloe Vera drink
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Aloe Vera capsule tablet
Acne Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera skin care
Aloe Vera lotion
George aloe vera
Aloe Vera shampoo
Aloe Vera oil
Aloe Vera powder
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Forever Living Aloe vera

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