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Koilonychia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Koilonychia of Nail

Koilonychia is a common deformity in which the nail plate, which normally has a convex contour, is replaced by a concave contour. Koilonychia may be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait or it may be associated with other syndromes. Injury to the nail bed may produce a permanent deformity.

Koilonychia is a well-recognized clinical sign of iron deficiency occurring either with or without anemia. For nail abnormalities due to ingrown toenails, wear shoes that don't squeeze the toes together, and always cut the nails straight across along the top.

Causes of Koilonychia

Other common causes of Koilonychia include pica, illness, cheilosis, glossitis, chemotherapy, malnutrition, iron deficiency or any major metabolic condition or damaging event. One iron tablet a day is sufficient but depending how severe is the Koilonychia occasionally two tablets will be needed but larger doses are not recommended. Chronic exposure to moisture or to nail polish can produce brittle nails with peeling of the edge of the nail.

Since the Koilonychia is associated with iron deficiency it is important to take care of your nutrition to fight not only against spoon nails but also with the fatigue, mood changes and decreased cognitive proper function of this condition.

Treatment of Koilonychia

Since Koilonychia is caused due to malnutrition, therefore it is very important to take care of your nutrition habits and diets. As it occurs mainly due to iron deficiency, so you must eat food containing more iron content in them.

For brittle nails, keep the nails short and avoid nail polish. Use an emollient (skin softening) cream after washing or bathing.


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Instead of catching up over a cup of coffee, do it while playing tennis, taking aerobics lessons or learning salsa. Meet a couple of friends a few times a week and combine socializing with exercise.

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