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Anaemia - Iron deficiency - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Anaemia in Pregnancy

Anaemia, a shortage of the oxygen carrying pigment haemoglobin in red bloog cells. Haemoglobin is made in the body using vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalamin) along with iron. Each red bood cells contains 200-300 molecules of haemoglobin, so vitamin B deficiency can cause anaemia. If a women has less than 12g of haemoglobin per 100 mls of blood, she is considered anaemic.

Symptoms include fatigue pallor, frequent headaches, weakness, dizziness, palpitations and shortness of breath. Anaemia is common in women with a poor diet deficient in vatimins, those having heavy menstrual periods and in pregnancy. Blood loss from haemorrhage, bone marrow disease, hereditary disorders such as sickle cell anaemia, and the use of oral contraceptives may cause anaemia.

The best source of dietary iron are eggs, dried fruits, liver and red meat, while folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables and seaweeds.

Absorption of iron into the body is quite inefficient, but this is helped by vitamin C, which increases the uptake. Antacid medicines block iron uptake from the diet. Vitamin B12is found in liver, beef, eggs, milk and milk products, and offal, but it is absorbed into the body only in the presence of an intrinsic factor produced in the stomach. If this factor is deficient, then the vitamin is not absorbed, resulting in pernicious anaemia. This affects red blood cell production and the central Nervous System and is treated by injections of vitamin Bl2vitamin every 3 months. The treatment must continue for the rest of the patient's life. Most women develop anaemia at some time in life, but it is usually easily treated.

A pregnant woman has around 3 extra pints of blood, so more of the critical vitamins are needed to make red blood cells and provide for the needs of the baby. Folic acid is required for correct development of the baby, and women with a Multiple Pregnancy are most likely to need supplements of iron and folic acid.



Fitness Tip

Walking is a form of exercise that benefits both the body and mind. It can be enjoyed by people of all ages and can range from a gentle stroll to an invigorating hike.

Beauty Tip

Over washing is when you wash your hair more regularly than necessary. This varies for different individuals. For some people, shampooing hair everyday is over washing, for other people shampooing twice a day, or even every other day, can have the same effect.


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