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Free Home Remedy for Head Lice - Natural Homeremedies for Head Lice


Lice weaken the hair. Lice is caused by the lack of proper cleanliness. While lice weaken the hair, it also causes itching which leads to hair loss because of constant scratching and dandruff.

  • Lemon: Rub a slice of lemon onto the scalp and wash the head after half an hour. It will remove the oil from the scalp and kill the lice. Mix lemon juice with coconut oil and apply it on the scalp. Washing the hair with water mixed with lemon juice makes it soft.

Head lice home remedies

Place mayonaise (cheap store kind without many additives)on head and rub in.Place plastic bag on head and push out any air bubbles. Tie bag in back.Please expose any face and ears for safety. Wash face, ears and neck if spilled while coating hair.Heat head with blow dryer to warm the mayonaise. Once warm, let sit for three or more hours.Wash with Denorex or equivelant dandruff shampoo. Mix half olive oil and half white vinegar, enoughto coat hair well. Next, sit person on a sheet and comb oil/vinegar hair with flea or nit comb, wiping oil mixtureon towel after each stroke. Comb well. Wrap head with plastic bag (exposing face and ears) push out any air bubblesand let sit one hour or more. Shampoo hair with Denorex or equivelant dandruff shampoo. Blow dry hair completely while combingwith flea or nit comb. The vinegar in the mayonaise and vinegar and olive oil mixture should loosen and remove any nits. The blow drying of hair will also aid in removing remaining nits. Repeat few days later if necessary. Wash all sheets and towels and bedding.

Herbal home remedy for the treatment and cure of Head lice

Traditional natural home remedy for head lice - There are also herbal remedies to treat head lice, including products with tea tree oil and other essential oils. Because they are 'natural,' these are not regulated by the FDA, have not been proven to work, and should be used with caution and avoided in younger children.

Herbal home remedy for head lice - Pour the lamp oil over the head until the your hair can not hold any more. Place any type of wrapping around the head, preferably not cloth. Wait for about 15 minutes and shake your head over the sink. Most of them will just fall out but comb your hair hair with fine toothcomb and conditioner because combing will be difficult, to get the rest out. This will prevent the head lice.

Natural home remedy for head lice - Mixed talcum powder with 0.2% of prethum dust in it. Sprinkle this powder on the hair before going to bed and rub it vigrously so that it reaches to root. Cover your eyes, nose and mouth to protect from powder. This will completely remove head lice.

Effective home remedy for head lice - Apply mayonnaise thoroughly to the scalp and cover the hair with a plastic bag. Leave it for one hour and heat it with a blow dryer for 5 minutes. Rinse the hair and apply regular hair gel. Use a fine-toothed comb to remove nits and lice.

Good home remedy for head lice - Boil a handful of neem leaves in a mug of water and use the water on your hair after shampooing. Soak with the water on your hair for few minutes after shampooing and rinse with plain water. Repeat if lice persist. This is also very effective home remedy for head lice.

Simple home remedy for head lice - Take about eight to ten almonds and grind them to make a paste. For this, add two to three teaspoon of limejuice. Application of this paste on the scalp will be beneficial for killing the lice. Keep this paste for about ½ hour and then rinse thoroughly. This is one of the good home remedies for head lice.

Natural home remedy for head lice using Lemon juice

Lemon juice is considered as one of the effective home remedy for the treatment of head lice and dandruff. Take equal amount (1-2 tablespoon) of lemon juice and garlic paste. Apply this mixture over the scalp and allow it to dry for 25-35 minutes. Wash your hair in cold water and rinse off the all dirt, dust, etc. This is one of the useful home remedies for head lice.

Head lice remedy Tip

Spray clean hair with baby oil or skin so soft or some type of oil product after washing shouldhopefully keep a person from getting reinfected.


Fitness Tip

Muscle strength, endurance and flexibility all increase when you work out. Bone strength and density also improve, making bones less liable to fracture when you become older.

Beauty Tip

Trimming your hair does not make it grow faster, but it removes splitting ends that can split upto 7.5 cm (3 inches) of your hairs length.


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