Beauty Fitness and Dermatology

Baby Eczema - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment For Eczema By Natural Home Remedy

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin of an acute or chronic nature. It is frequently accompained by itching and various other unpleasant sensations. It should be referred to a physician or a skin specialist for treatment.

The term 'Eczema' is a Greek word (Ee means out, and Zeo means boil). The whole word implies 'boil out'.

Dermatitis and eczema is non-contagious inflammation of the skin, characterized by erythema, scaling, oedema, vesiculation and oozing. Hebra says, "Eczema is what looks like eczema".

Eczema is a specific type of allergic cutaneous manifestation of antigen-antibody reaction. It is characterized by superficial inflammatory oedema of the epidermis associated with vesicle formation. Itching varies from mild to severe paroxysms which may even interfere with work and sleep. The natural history of eczema is diagrammatically represented as follows:

Papules with oedema (Lichenification)
Weeping, crusting, pustules
Scaling (Lichenification)
Healthy skin without scars

The morpho-clinical classification into acute, sub-acute and chronic stages, helps us to decide about the prognosis and the line of symptomatic treatment. The acute stage is characterized by itchy erythema followed by oedema, papules, vesicles, oozing and crusting. Most of the typical eczemas of moderate intensity start with these morphological features. This stage does not last long. In about a couple of weeks, the lesions start to heal.

If the cause persists, and the eczema lasts over months or years, it becomes chronic. In such cases, the integument appears thickened and pigmented with prominent criss-cross markings (Lichenification). This is the end result of all types of long-standing eczemas. The thick, dark, Asiatic skin, has a tendency to early lichenification. If not properly handled. In between the acute and chronic stages, is the sub-acute stage, characterized by papules and scaling with moderate oedema and erythema. Acute eczema may pass through this stage before it heals completely or becomes chronic.

Causes of Eczema

Exciting causes are varied, viz., chemicals, plants, clothing, cosmetics, medicaments, infections, drugs, diet, focal sepsis etc. Once the skin has been irritated and sensitized, it becomes prone to further insults. Scratching, chemical trauma, climatic strains and psychogenic stresses keep the process going with the result that dermatitis becomes chronic. Auto-sensitization results in dissemination. At times, the integument becomes so sensitive that it reacts unfavorably to all applications-'status eczematicus'. There is no eczema but an eczematous patient. Establish the cause/causative factors. While managing eczema, treat the patient and respect the skin. It is still controversial whether the endogenous factors like diet, emotional strain and stress, focal sepsis, state of digestion, nutrition and metabolism etc. are more important than exogenous factors like infections, irritants and sensitizers or vice versa. In practice, mixed eczemas are much more common than pure entities. History and clinical observation are helpful in establishing the exact etiological diagnosis.

Factors responsible for causation of eczema

  1. Irritants-Physical, chemical or electrical.
  2. Sensitizers-Plants, cosmetics, clothing, medicaments and occupational hazards,
  3. External infections-Streptococci, staphylococci, fungus etc.
  4. Mental and emotional conflicts, strains and stresses.
  5. Internal septic focus shedding toxins or causing bacteraemia.
  6. Diet and state of digestion.
  7. Diathesis - Allergic, xerodermic, hyperhidrotic or seborrhoeic.
  8. Drugs- given for the disease, or otherwise.
  9. State of local or general nutrition.
  10. Climate-temperature and humidity.

Treatment and cure of eczema

Consult your doctor regarding the treatment options.

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