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Skin lesions - Causes, Picture, Symptoms and Treatment of Skin lesions

A lesion is a structural change in the tissues caused by injury or disease.

Types of lesions

These are of two types: primary and secondary.

Primary Skin Lesions

1) Macule: A small discolored spot or patch on the surface of the skin, neither raised nor sunken.

2) Papule: A small elevated pimple on the skin containing no fluid, but which may develop pus.

3) Wheal: An itchy, swollen spot that lasts only for a few hours. This is usually caused by mosquito or insect bites.

4) Tubercle: A soiled lump larger than a papule, which projects above the surface of the skin or lies within or under the skin, varying in size from a pea to a nut.

5) Tumor: An external swelling, varying in size, shape and color.

6) Vesicle: A blister with clear fluid in it. It lies just beneath the epidermis and is smaller in size.

7) Bulla: A blister containing watery fluid. It is similar to a vesicle but larger in size.

8) Pustule: An elevation of the skin with an inflamed base and which contains pus. It looks like a common pimple.

Secondary Skin Lesions

The secondary lesions are those skin diseases which develop in the later stages and are of a serious nature. These are:

1) Scale: An accumulation of the epidermal flakes. It may be dry or greasy.

2) Crust (Scab): An accumulation of sebum and pus, mixed,perhaps, with the epidermal material.

3) Excoriation: A skin abrasion produced by scratching or scraping. It may be due to the loss of superficial skin after an injury.

4) Fissure: A crack in the skin penetrating into the derma as in the case of a chapped skin.

5) Ulcer: An open lesion on the skin or mucous membrane of the body, accompanied by pus and loss of skin depth.

6) Scar: It is likely to form after the healing of an injury or skin condition that has penetrated the dermal layer.

7) Stain: An abnormal discoloration of the skin.



Fitness Tip

Of all the nutrients, water is the most important. Without any water or fluid, you'll last less than a week. It makes up more than 60% of your body weight and is vital to all cells.

Beauty Tip

The 100-strokes rule of hair brushing has its roots in necessity. Before hair conditioners were invented, women relied on hair�s sebum to moisturize strands � getting the sebum from hair�s root to hair�s tips required vigorous brushing.


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