Actinomycosis - Causes, Picture, Symptoms and Treatment of Actinomycosis
Actinomycosis is the most common of the systemic fungus affections. There are two important varieties depending upon the nature of the causative fungus: Actinomycosis bovis is an anaerobic fungus with world-wide distribution. The fungus is present around carious teeth and cryptic tonsils. The infection is endogenous. Symptoms of ActinomycosisActinomycosis affects the cervical lymph glands, lungs, and intestines. The skin is only secondarily affected. The jaw is the site most commonly affected, the infection producing a lumpy jaw. It is characterized by a chronic, solid, indurated granulomatous swelling, and abscess formation and sinuses discharging sanguineous material containing sulphur granules of ray fungus. On healing, there is fibrotic scarring. Treatment and medicine for ActinomycosisPenicillin is the drug of choice in the treatment; it may have to be supported with sulphonamides, iodides and surgical drainage. Nocardiosis is an aerobic actinomycosis, prevalent mostly in the tropics and subtropics. Nocardia is present in the soil; so the infection is exogenous since it is introduced into the tissues from the outside of the body by injury. N. brasiliensis is one of the causative agents of mycetoma of the foot.
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