Leucoderma - Causes, Picture, Treatment, Cure and Symptoms of Leucoderma
Vitiligo is more commonly known as leucoderma, which simply means white (leuco) skin (derma), i.e. a skin disorder where it looses its normal coloration. It is also medically known as achromia, which means loss of colour. Symptoms of leucodermaPatches of leucoderma can be of variable sizes and shapes. There are a number of misconceptions regarding the availability of treatment for leucoderma . There is actually plenty of hope for vitiligo patients. The results with treatment are good. They are excellent if the treatment is taken early , but the patches of leucoderma which occur in areas of the skin which are naturally hairless, like the palms and soles, take long to improve. Both oral medicines and ointment form are available. A single small patch can be camouflaged using cosmetics. They are excellent if the treatment is taken early. Causes of leucodermaThe main causes of leucoderma are said to be excessive mental worry, chronic or acute gastric disorders, impaired hepatic function such as jaundice, worms or other parasites in the alimentary canal, typhoid, a defective perspiratory mechanism, and burn injuries. Treatment of leucodermaThere is no cure for vitiligo, but there are several treatments, including dyes or psoralens (light-sensitive drugs) used in combination with Ultraviolet A light treatment. Leucoderma does not cause any health problems - if is not contagious or dangerous at all. It is only a cosmetic problem. Natural Home remedies to treat leucodermaThe paste of turmeric and mustard oil is also beneficial in the treatment of vitiligo. Take about five hundred gram of turmeric and put it in eight litres of water at night. It should be heated in the morning till one kg oh water is left. It should be strained and mixed with fine hundred grams of mustard oil. This mixture should be heated till only the oil is left. It should be applied on white patches every morning and evening for few months
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