Prickly Heat - Picture, Causes, symptoms and home remedies for prickly heat
Prickly heat is a very common condition during hot days and occurs during the hot summers and rainy seasons when there is profuse sweating and the body is not exposed to the air. Red pustules of the size of mustard grains appear on the body, especially on the chest, back and the abdomen. Prickly heat usually starts around the neck. If it is bad, it can spread down onto the chest and back and up around the ears and face. Red pustules of the size of mustard grains appear on the body, especially on the chest, back and the abdomen. There is intense itching and if the affected skin area is scratched, it gives temporary relief sensation, though there are a lot of chances of the affected area getting septic. Symptoms of Prickly Heat
Home remedy for the treatment of Prickly Heat-
Some Tips for the Treatment and Prevention of Prickly Heat Rash
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