Mycetoma or Madura Foot - Causes, Picture, Symptoms and Treatment of Mycetoma
More often seen Mycetoma is in surgical than in dermatological, practice. Mycetoma is usually a unilateral affection of limbs, mostly feet. Mycetoma is a chronic infection of the skin, subcutaneous fabric and sometimes of the bones characterized while discharging from the sines filled of organizations. One generally finds it on the foot where it is given the foot of watering of can of name. The disease results from the traumatic implantation of the aetiologic agent and usually involves the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue, fascia and bone of the foot or hand. Sinuses discharge serosanguinous fluid containing the granules which vary in size, colour and degree of hardness, depending on the aetiologic species, and are the hallmark of mycetoma. Symptoms of MycetomaPatient gives history of piercing trauma, like thorn or splinter prick, etc, followed by development of multiple, painless, indurated and chronic sinuses discharging coloured granules on sole/dorsum of foot. The part is globoid, swollen and smells offensive. Changes usually affect deeper tissues and bones. Causes of MycetomaIts etiological agents are Madurella mycetomi, Nocardia brasiliensis and A. boyddi , and imperfect fungus. Treatment of MycetomaTreatment is mainly amputation of the limb, but in early and uncomplicated cases opening and drainage of sinuses and a course of Septran (P) may be useful. A course of Dapsone (P), new generation fungicide and antibiotic may be tried before radical measures are taken.
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