Fordyce's Condition - Causes, Picture, Treatment and Symptoms of Fordyce's Condition
Fordyce's Condition is a skin condition in which a person develops small, yellowish growths, usually on the face. Fordyce's Condition can affect healthy people, or it can be associated with medical problems. A variant of Sebaceous hyperplasia condition, known as Fordyce's condition causes tiny yellow dots in groups and sometimes in sheets on the lips, inside the mouth, and sometimes on the genital skin. Genital Fordyce SpotsThe lesion derived its name from the person who first wrote about it in 1896, John Addison Fordyce. They may cause embarrassment when they appear on the genitals, but they are harmless and cannot be sexually transmitted. They don’t have any function in the mouth and there are no pathologic changes that can be associated with them. What causes Fordyce's Condition?The cause is unknown. These problems tend to run in families. Neither sebaceous hyperplasia or Fordyce's condition is contagious. Fordyces sports is most common amoung children and young adults, the reason is not known. Treatment of Fordyce's ConditionIf the lesions are becoming unsightly and you really feel something needs to be done, a powerful, expensive drug named Accutane will reverse sebaceous hyperplasia, but you will develop new lesions after you stop the medication unless you also use tretinoin cream regularly. TCA chemical peels are sometimes prescribed, but Fordyce's Condition return as soon as treatment is stopped. Home remedies and diet to treat Fordyce's Condition?It is however always good to keep oral hygiene and to eat a balanced diet that includes folic acid, Vitamins C, A, D, E, K and B complex. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to build the immune system. Garlic helps to kill any bacteria in the bloodstream and the mouth, and folic acid is needed for normal metabolism. Prevention of Fordyce's ConditionProper skin care around the genital areas is important but is not related to the appearance of the spots. Treatment is only needed in severe cases, but the condition normally clears up on its own.
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