Tinea Versicolor - Causes, Treatment, Picture and Symptoms of Tinea Versicolor
Tinea versicolor is caused by a nondermatophyte dimorphic fungus that is a normal inhabitant of the skin. As the yeast form Pityrosporum orbiculare, it generally does not cause disease (except for folliculitis in certain individuals). However, in some individuals, it converts to the hyphal form and causes characteristic lesions. The expression of infection is promoted by heat and humidity. On dark skin, they often appear as hypopigmented areas, while on light skin, they are slightly hyperpigmented. In some darkly pigmented individuals, they may only appear as scaling patches. A KOH preparation from scaling lesions will demonstrate a confluence of short hyphae and round spores (so-called spaghetti and meatballs). Symptoms of Tinea VersicolorUsually the infection produces few symptoms, but some people get itching, especially when sweating. The warmer the weather, the worse this condition gets. Tanning booths are warm places, so avoid them. The skin may flake at the edge of the rash spots. The rash may be itchy, especially when a person is hot or sweaty. The skin spots may be more obvious after skin has been exposed to the sun, because these areas do not tan evenly. Tinea Versicolor Treatment and CureSolutions containing sulfur, salicylic acid, or selenium sulfide will clear the infection if used daily for a week and then intermittently thereafter. Treatment with a single 400-mg dose of ketaconazole is also effective.
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